NIKKEN CEO Tony Bowkett becomes new MTA President
NIKKEN are proud to announce that the MTA has appointed our very own CEO and President, Tony Bowkett, as its latest Acting President. With more than 30 years of experience as Managing Director and Founder of NIKKEN Kosakusho Europe Ltd, Tony is responsible for the huge success and triumphs of NIKKEN’s activities across Europe and beyond, which includes multiple subsidiary companies within the NIKKEN Europe Group, together operating in excess of 23 countries.
NIKKEN, under Tony’s leadership, is also a Founding Industrial Partner and Non-Executive Industrial Board member of Sheffield's Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) and firmly believes in UK manufacturing and knowledge transfer as a vital wealth creator, focusing on developing and training the next generation of engineers. NIKKEN has supported and exhibited at all MACH exhibitions since 1992, promoting NIKKEN’s innovative and industry-leading solutions and the manufacturing technologies sector in general.
Furthermore, with Tony’s experience in similar roles, such as a financial director and Vice president of the MTA, Tony is equipped to support the MTA to the highest level and aspires to promote and develop the association to engage and network with its members and associates, ensuring that UK manufacturing technologies are recognised as critical parts of government economic strategy.
Tony has said- “It is a great honour and privilege to serve our association members, and we now proudly represent over 300 companies. Together, we generate an annual turnover of more than £2 billion and employ over 20,000 people- collaborating with a vast UK supply chain, generating many millions in real wealth for the UK Economy. Through our live exhibition of MACH, education, training, legislation, and standards teams, we aspire to reach all of UK Manufacturing. During my presidency, I would like to make it my mission to engage with our members and represent their best interests on local, national and international platforms.
On a personal level, Tony is a dedicated family man who has been happily married for 40 years with two daughters and a grandchild. In his spare time, he is a passionate golfer, sports enthusiast, traveller, and gourmet.
“We are incredibly lucky to have a talented and strong board representing our members and are grateful that Tony has agreed to take on the role of Acting President. He is a man who understands the challenges facing the manufacturing sector and the solutions that are required to see it flourish once again”- James Selka, CEO of the MTA.
We look forward to seeing Tony in his new role.